woensdag 29 september 2010

Assignment 7

Isabelle Severins 
Gerrit Jan van der Veen straat 14
2264 DR Leidschendam 
Tel: 070-3274342

29 September, 2010

5 Crescent Road, 
Manchester M8 5UF

Dear Sir or Madam,

On the website of City College Manchester I have found a course for international students. an EFL course.
I'm a student from the Faculty of Communication and Journalism of the Professional University of Utrecht. I've been to England before with my English class so we could improve or English skills. My English skills are good. Not excellent but good.

The reason why I'm interested in this course is because I think my English skills still can improve. There is always something you can improve. So maybe if do this EFL course and talk to real British people my English will improve more!

If it's possible I would like to get some information on this course? For example about: 
- If the course is during the summer? 
- For how long is the course? Two weeks or longer?
- Are there different classes for different levels of English in the course?
- Do you have to make an exam on the end of the course? 
- Do you have to arrange accommodation by yourself? Or is it going to be arranged for you?

Thank you very much already for your effort and I look forward to hear from you soon.

Yours faithfully, 

Isabelle Severins.

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