woensdag 8 september 2010

weblog 1

Hi everyone,

This is my very first blog about my time as a student here in Utrecht! On this blog i will tell you everything. From the city untill my study at the HU. I hope you enjoy reading it!

I’ll start with telling you about the UIT. For everyone who not know what the UIT week is: the UIT is an introduction week for everyone who is going to study in Utrecht. Every year a few senior students from the University of Utrecht or the HU (High school of Utrecht) are planning one week full of activities for all the upcoming students. It’s a very large event and more than 3500 students were sign up for it this year! Including myself.

The activities I have done were very cool and so much fun! A few of these activities were:

The biercantus. ( You pay 6 euros for the hole evening and you can drink as many beer as you want. their are hosts who present a program with funny activities. Sing-alongs and (drinking) games for exemple).

Workshops. (With your groupe in the UIT week, you can choose one of the many workshops. Like: pooling, zumba, shooting, and many more).

Sportmarket/parade. ( There are so much sportorganisations and studentorganisations that you can join when you are going to study in Utrecht. At the sportmarket/parade you can see and meet people who are in one of these organisations in a big parade/ market.

And last but not least. The parties! There are so much clubs in Utrecht that are so much fun! In the UIT week my favourite club was: the woolomolo! it’s at Janskerkhof a very famous spot in Utrecht. It’s also very big and the music is really good! Afther the UIT I still will go al lot to this club!

I have eaten every evening with my group and mentors (students who are lead you and your group during the UIT). I made al lot of good friends. And still I have really good contact with them.

To finish my very first blog. I had al lot of fun at the UIT week and I met so much new and nice friends! If I can I will do it again next year!



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