woensdag 6 oktober 2010

prepertation business meeting

preparation English business meeting:
Usual means for communication = phone and e-mail.
Sins 1997 there is a magazine. Only for employees.
In the magazine there is:
- An editorial from the President of the company.
- Information about the strategy of the company.
- Business and news form head offices and subsidiaries.
The language of the magazine is Spanish and English. (Check the fact sheet if there is something saying about this).
About the website: the President thinks it is good and that there would be nothing changed about it. I think it could be more modern. (See text).

Points of the meeting:
- Why employees still complain about a lack of information within the company?
- What could be done to solve the problem?
- Whether the magazine is useful in it's present form or whether it should be modified or replaced.

Text and arguments:
- (May I please have a word?) As the communications manager I don't really see the problem why there are complains about the communication within the company. All the information that is vital can be communicated by phone and e-mail. These are the quickest and best ways to communicate for this kind of information. 
- Further all the background information about the structure and policy of the company, appointments and all the employees around the world, is published in the magazine.

- The only thing I suggest is to modified the way of communication a little bit. So the important information reach the employees even better then it does now. 

- An idea to improve this could be an intranet site for the employees. An example is: On this intranet site the employees can see there work schedules and the agenda of the company. 

- Another idea would be to have big screens with only the important information on them in the company canteens and on the work floor. (If it costs to much money. As example: only in the company canteens). 
And the information will be in the employees languages. So every employee can understand the information perfectly well. The employees will feel theirselfs more involved with the company in this way.   

- About the magazine: the magazine should be replaced. If the magazine will not be replaced it could be an idea to improve it. Like articles about the workers inside instead of news of company structure and production methods. These things could be placed on the website or on the intranet. This also costs (hardly) any money and it will be improving the magazine and website at the same time!

ATTENTION! (check if you can say this)!
- Also it is an idea to remove the photo of the President on the cover (and put this also on the website or on the back page of the magazine, with a conclusion word from the President including). So we could put another photo on the cover. Something what has to do with the article about workers. For example: Every week another worker on the cover.


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