woensdag 13 oktober 2010

weblog 4

Hi everyone!

Last week I told you all about the introduction of my study. This week I'm going to tell you a little bit about the subjects that I have at the High school Utrecht.

The subjects were I am going to tell you about are the subjects that I followed this week. 

On monday I had this subject called: Netherlands business writing. I don't really like the subject. It's about how you have to write a good and formal  business letter, how you make good sentences and much more! 

Another subject I have on monday is: basic skills digital. This subject is about how to use different programs on the computer. Programs like: photoshop, flash and windows moviemaker. I really like this subject because you can use your computer for another purpose than to learn. 

On tuesday I have two subjects from the same teacher. One subject called: Netherlands grammar. You learn how to speak good Netherlands. It is very useful because in this study you have to write allot of letters and assignments. So my Netherlands has to be good.

The other subject on tuesday is business communication. You learn what kinds of communication there are, how to use them and to who you could use them. you also learn how to make a communicationplan.

On thursday mu subjects are: basic English skills and Business journalism. At basic English skills you learn how to speak good English and how to use the grammar in a good way. You also get allot of assignments to practice this. For example writing this blog. 

Business journalism is about journalism and in what kinds of media we have this. You learn about the radio, television an sound for example. I don't really like this subject because it is not very practical. you have to listen for a very long time and you can not do anything!

You always have subjects at your study whom you like and whom you don't like. You have to deal with it. In the end I do really like my study and I don't want to quit at all! 
Hope to see you next time!



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