woensdag 13 oktober 2010

assignment 15: text childhood obesity

Answer these questions:
Why does Subway care about childhood obesity? Because Subway thinks children should have a healthier lifestyle. They think they can actually change the 15% of people between agens of 6 and 16 who are overweighted.

What communication techniques does Subway use to work on the problem?
1: Subway F.R.E.S.H. Steps. (A program for children to have healthier lifestyles.
2: TV spots. (Spots about children who have changed their lives by eating better).
3: Subway survey. (Survey 2,682 children ages 5 to 12 on their attitudes about eating, physical activity and wellness).
4: TV show. (TV morning-show news package on childhood obesity. Also a deal with nickelodeon).

Describe the various parts of Subway’s campaign. 
See question 2.

What could have happened to the company if Subway had not embarked on this campaign?
The company could be described like Mc donalds or Burger King. A company that only sales fast food and do not think about the childhood obesity.

assignment 13: Listening assignment C

Toyota Europe:
Colin Hensley is the corporate communication manager of Toyota Europe. Colin Hensley is testing twitter as a new way of communication for Toyota Europe. Toyota Europe wants to search for new communication manners for their costumers and how they can use social media with that. There colleagues in North-America has some positive experience with twitter as new communication manner. Journalists and NGO's are the most who are following them. Twitter is very quick, very directly and interesting for people. There is also a blog from Toyota europe but that is a little more personal than twitter. It is more the personal view somebody that for Toyota works has. Toyota Europe hopes it will work and they hope they get allot of feedback.

Virgin media:
Abi Signorelli is director of Internal Communication at Virgin Media. On the 24th of June there is a Melcrum's Social Media Workshop and she is presenting a case study. She is going to tell about getting abroad with twitter and potcasting as social media. she wants to hear from other people as well what the have to say about using twitter as social media and help them to get abroad. she also talks about a videoboo. It's quick, short and updateblog. She also talks about flogging. it's a phoneblog. It's a great technic for audiotalk. It has been test very much. The technic changes very quickly so these are opening doors for new communication manners for social media. Financial the new communication ways by social media are opening also allot of doors. It is a huge return for Virgin Media.

This video isn't working on my computer.

assignment 11: letter of requiry

Dear Dreamtime Movies Universal Ltd,

Thank your for your enquiry of 12 October. 
We are sorry to say that we are unable to sent you the requested information.
We didn't received the new brochure and price list for 2010 yet, but if you can tell us the other four languages we can tell you what the prices are. 

We have also checked your website. We are offering website editing services. This services offers you: renewing your website, keeping it up to date and a complete facelift. We will enclose a price list for these editing services. 

If your have any questions please call me.

Yours sincerely,

Isabelle Severins isabelle.severins@hotmail.com 0691456714

weblog 4

Hi everyone!

Last week I told you all about the introduction of my study. This week I'm going to tell you a little bit about the subjects that I have at the High school Utrecht.

The subjects were I am going to tell you about are the subjects that I followed this week. 

On monday I had this subject called: Netherlands business writing. I don't really like the subject. It's about how you have to write a good and formal  business letter, how you make good sentences and much more! 

Another subject I have on monday is: basic skills digital. This subject is about how to use different programs on the computer. Programs like: photoshop, flash and windows moviemaker. I really like this subject because you can use your computer for another purpose than to learn. 

On tuesday I have two subjects from the same teacher. One subject called: Netherlands grammar. You learn how to speak good Netherlands. It is very useful because in this study you have to write allot of letters and assignments. So my Netherlands has to be good.

The other subject on tuesday is business communication. You learn what kinds of communication there are, how to use them and to who you could use them. you also learn how to make a communicationplan.

On thursday mu subjects are: basic English skills and Business journalism. At basic English skills you learn how to speak good English and how to use the grammar in a good way. You also get allot of assignments to practice this. For example writing this blog. 

Business journalism is about journalism and in what kinds of media we have this. You learn about the radio, television an sound for example. I don't really like this subject because it is not very practical. you have to listen for a very long time and you can not do anything!

You always have subjects at your study whom you like and whom you don't like. You have to deal with it. In the end I do really like my study and I don't want to quit at all! 
Hope to see you next time!



woensdag 6 oktober 2010

prepertation business meeting

preparation English business meeting:
Usual means for communication = phone and e-mail.
Sins 1997 there is a magazine. Only for employees.
In the magazine there is:
- An editorial from the President of the company.
- Information about the strategy of the company.
- Business and news form head offices and subsidiaries.
The language of the magazine is Spanish and English. (Check the fact sheet if there is something saying about this).
About the website: the President thinks it is good and that there would be nothing changed about it. I think it could be more modern. (See text).

Points of the meeting:
- Why employees still complain about a lack of information within the company?
- What could be done to solve the problem?
- Whether the magazine is useful in it's present form or whether it should be modified or replaced.

Text and arguments:
- (May I please have a word?) As the communications manager I don't really see the problem why there are complains about the communication within the company. All the information that is vital can be communicated by phone and e-mail. These are the quickest and best ways to communicate for this kind of information. 
- Further all the background information about the structure and policy of the company, appointments and all the employees around the world, is published in the magazine.

- The only thing I suggest is to modified the way of communication a little bit. So the important information reach the employees even better then it does now. 

- An idea to improve this could be an intranet site for the employees. An example is: On this intranet site the employees can see there work schedules and the agenda of the company. 

- Another idea would be to have big screens with only the important information on them in the company canteens and on the work floor. (If it costs to much money. As example: only in the company canteens). 
And the information will be in the employees languages. So every employee can understand the information perfectly well. The employees will feel theirselfs more involved with the company in this way.   

- About the magazine: the magazine should be replaced. If the magazine will not be replaced it could be an idea to improve it. Like articles about the workers inside instead of news of company structure and production methods. These things could be placed on the website or on the intranet. This also costs (hardly) any money and it will be improving the magazine and website at the same time!

ATTENTION! (check if you can say this)!
- Also it is an idea to remove the photo of the President on the cover (and put this also on the website or on the back page of the magazine, with a conclusion word from the President including). So we could put another photo on the cover. Something what has to do with the article about workers. For example: Every week another worker on the cover.


woensdag 29 september 2010

Assignment 7

Isabelle Severins 
Gerrit Jan van der Veen straat 14
2264 DR Leidschendam 
Tel: 070-3274342

29 September, 2010

5 Crescent Road, 
Manchester M8 5UF

Dear Sir or Madam,

On the website of City College Manchester I have found a course for international students. an EFL course.
I'm a student from the Faculty of Communication and Journalism of the Professional University of Utrecht. I've been to England before with my English class so we could improve or English skills. My English skills are good. Not excellent but good.

The reason why I'm interested in this course is because I think my English skills still can improve. There is always something you can improve. So maybe if do this EFL course and talk to real British people my English will improve more!

If it's possible I would like to get some information on this course? For example about: 
- If the course is during the summer? 
- For how long is the course? Two weeks or longer?
- Are there different classes for different levels of English in the course?
- Do you have to make an exam on the end of the course? 
- Do you have to arrange accommodation by yourself? Or is it going to be arranged for you?

Thank you very much already for your effort and I look forward to hear from you soon.

Yours faithfully, 

Isabelle Severins.

Assignment 8: Listening assignment B.

1. What is remarkable about the comments and the bloggers of the Federal Reserve Bank? they are aloud to comment and make blogs anonymous.

2. The Federal Reserve Bank opened a blog to create “buzz”. What is meant by this, in other words, what was the purpose of opening a blog? To have more people regularly checking there news.

3. What was the female recruiting manager’s blog mainly about? It was mainly about a woman who was being a mother and full time manager. Further she was there for people who needed her like friends.

4. What was the purpose of her blog? to recrute people for FED.

5. Which words show that the FED does exercise a form of control on the blogs? controversy and discussion

6. By what kind of people were the very first FED blogs written? senior management and staff around a bank.

7. Have the blogs changed the way that people who work for the FED think about internal communications ? yes the way that people who work for the FED think about internal communications have changed because of the blogs because it's anonymous and everybody can say what they think about something without consequences.

8. What is the latest development in the company as far as media are concerned? ???????

9. Catherine Cummings says that this medium to communicate with staff is better than an older medium. Which more old-fashioned way of communicating with staff does she mention? E-mail and telephone.

10. What is the next big thing in social media at the FED? There are two sites that they are redesigning.